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5 Reasons to Schedule a Dental Checkup Early in the Year

January 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 2:55 am

Smiling man in dentist’s chairThe new year is here! As you create your resolutions for 2024, put a dental checkup at the top of your list. Brushing and flossing at home, while still undeniably important habits, aren’t enough to keep your mouth healthy. The American Dental Association recommends scheduling a cleaning and checkup every 6 months. Although you have all year to make an appointment, here are 5 reasons to schedule your cleaning and checkup now.

1. The Holidays Are Bad for Dental Health

Sweet treats, stuffing, and eggnog can add inches to your waistline, but many holiday favorites that you might have enjoyed this past season also increase your risk of tooth decay. Snacking more frequently is only one reason the holidays are a bad time for your oral health. A quick dental checkup will ensure the season doesn’t come back to haunt your smile. Your dentist will look for anything concerning to prevent it from worsening. 

2. Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Did you know that 92% of adults will experience tooth decay and 50% over the age of 30 have gum disease? Both are leading causes of tooth loss, despite being preventable. A semi-annual dental cleaning removes plaque and tartar to keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy. Your dentist will examine your mouth to ensure you don’t have any untreated issues, like gum inflammation. 

3. Reduce your Overall Oral Health Expenses

Research has found that every dollar spent on preventive dentistry can save up to $50 on restorative and emergency dental care. Cleanings and checkups keep your mouth healthy by keeping common issues at bay. As a result, you’re less likely to need costly dental work later. 

4. Improve Your Wellness

Many dental problems can affect your overall health. For example, gum disease is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. Certain health issues can also affect your mouth, like enamel loss caused by acid reflux. By taking the time to get your oral health squared away, you’re doing your body several favors!

5. Your Dental Insurance Benefits Have Reset

You don’t have to worry about a large bill because your dental benefits have reset. Dental insurance typically covers 80-100% of the expenses of preventive dentistry. You can get the cleaning and checkup you need after a co-payment. 

If you need any dental work, your benefits can cover some of the expenses. After meeting your deductible, your insurance can pay 50% to 80% of common restorative procedures. 

A quick trip to your dentist will ensure you start the new year with a healthy mouth. You’ll look and feel your best while accomplishing your goals for the year.

About Dr. Alex R. Goodman

Dr. Goodman achieved his dental degree at the University of Alabama at the Birmingham School of Dentistry and has continued his training regularly to provide patients in the Columbia, TN area with the most up-to-date services. He strives to build personal relationships with every patient to create happy, healthy smiles. Request an appointment through his website or call (931) 388-4315.

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